RBI Grade B Phase 2 Result 2021– is now available. , the Reserve Bank of India announced the results of the RBI Grade B Phase-II 2021 Examination on its official website rbi.org. The RBI has released the list of individuals who have been shortlisted for the interview procedure after passing the phase 2 examination on April 1, 2021. The interview date  for RBI Grade B 2021 was also published by the RBI on July 14, 2021. For the post of DR General, the interview will take place on August 2nd, and for the post of DEPS/DSIM, it will take place on August 30th, 2021.

Prelims, Mains, and an interview process were used to select candidates. The Phase 2 examination was open to all students who had passed the preliminary examination. Students who pass the main examination will be eligible for the interview round, which has just been announced . Click on the link below to get the complete list of RBI Grade B Interview Dates for 2021.

RBI GRADE B PHASE 2 Interview Details – Click here 

RBI Grade B Phase 2 Result 2021.- Link – The result for the RBI Grade B Phase 2 2021 Examination has been released, and the roll numbers of all candidates who were shortlisted for the interview process may be found in the link below.

We also ask that all of our candidates visit the RBI’s official website on a regular basis or stay in touch with us. We will also provide additional information about the interview procedure.

 RBI Grade B Phase 2 Result 2021.- Link


RBI Grade B 2021: Important Dates

Events Dates
Release of RBI Grade B Notification 28th January 2021
RBI Grade B Phase-I Exam Date 6th March 2021
RBI Grade B Phase-I Result 13th March 2021
RBI Grade B Phase- II Exam Date 31st March & 1st April 2021
RBI Grade B Phase -II Result 2021 Out 4th May 2021
Conduct of Interview (DR/ General) 2nd August 2021 Onwards
Conduct of Interview DEPR/DSIM 30 August 2021 Onwards

Instructions for Shortlisted Candidates:

1. Shortlisted candidates should check their email address on a frequent basis, as all information will be sent to them via email.

2. All candidates who have been shortlisted will be sent a link to complete the Psychometric Assessment. Within 5 days of receiving the mail, the assessment should be completed.

3. All shortlisted candidates must print their interview call letter from their email account and present it to the interview on the scheduled date.

4. Shortlisted candidates should bring their photo ID card along with their documentation.