SBI Clerk 2021 Exam Pattern & Syllabus- On April 17, 2021, the State Bank of India (SBI) published an official notification for 5121 Junior Associate (Clerk) positions on its official website, The syllabus and exam structure for this examination are discussed here. It will provide you with a general sense of where to begin your exam preparations.

SBI Clerk 2021 Exam Pattern & Syllabus

The SBI Clerk Preliminary Exam will last one hour and will consist of 100 objective type questions. The test will be of the objective kind and will be divided into three sections: English Language, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning Ability. Except for the English Language Test, all of the above tests will be offered in both English and Hindi.

  • Type of Questions : Online Objective Type
  • No. of Questions : 100 Questions
  • Duration : 1 hour
  • Negative Marking : 0.25 Marks deducted for Wrong answer.

This time the exam is going to be online. This exam consists of the following sections.

Sl. Name of Test No. of Questions Max. Marks Duration
01 English language 30 30 20 min.
02 Numerical Ability 35 35 20 min.
03 Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 min.
Total 100 100 01 Hours

The SBI Clerk Main Exam is a two-hour and forty-minute exam with 190 objective type questions to answer. The online objective type test will consist of the following four sections: English Language, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning Ability.

Sl. Name of Test No. of Questions Max. Marks Duration
01 General/ Financial Awareness 50 50 35 min.
02 General English 40 40 35 min.
03 Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 45 min.
Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude 50 60 45 min.
Total 190 200 2 Hr. 40 min.

SBI Clerks Exam Syllabus:

Of all the tests offered by SBI, the Clerks Exam is the most popular. Now, let’s take a look at the Clerks Exam’s complete syllabus….

General Awareness, is the first of four sections. These questions aren’t based on any specific research, but they are relevant to current events. The term “current affairs” refers to recent events in India and its neighbouring nations, such as sports, constitution, politics, history, banking, culture, geography, economy, technology, and finance.

English Language: The English language is the second section. Because English is one of the most significant languages because it is spoken and used all over the world, the managing committee wants to choose only applicants who can communicate in English. The questions in this section can be based on the theme of vocabulary, which includes homonyms, synonyms, and antonyms, as well as sentence completion and word building. Conclusion, theme detection, passage completion, and topic are all examples of comprehension. The passage, the spelling, the phrase, and the topic have all been rearranged. The term “grammar” refers to a collection of rules that govern the active passive voice, indirect direct discourse, and the topic. The term “general usage” refers to phrases and expressions.

Numerical Ability and Quantitative Aptitude, is divided into three sections.
Quantitative Aptitude is the third component, and this question will contain five multiple-choice responses. This selection’s question could be based on one of two topics: arithmetic or data interpretation. Bar graphs, pie charts, line graphs, and tabulation are examples of data interpretation. Roots, average, ratio, time & work, time & distance, percentage, profit & loss, mixture, stocks & shares, partnership, clocks, volume & surface area, height & distances, logarithms, permutation & combination, simple & compound interest, in equations & equations, and probability are all terms used in the field of arithmetic.


The fourth component, a reasoning test, will be the first section. Logical The process of constructing judgement conclusions from premises or facts is known as reasoning. This section’s questions could be both verbal and nonverbal.
Classification, analogy, decision-making, word construction, series, decoding & coding, blood relation, sign & notation, statement & conclusion, seated arrangement, and problem solving are all examples of verbal communication.
Non-verbal refers to the completion of a series, as well as the identification of any missing figures and classification.

Computer Awareness :

Computer awareness refers to a person’s understanding of and ability to use computers. The questions are divided into two categories: hardware and software. This section will cover MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Windows, the internet, and how to utilize them effectively for formal purposes. You could say that only a rudimentary understanding of computers is required. Operating systems, computer networks, the internet, E-commerce, basic computer architecture, nomenclature, EFT systems, acronyms, and MS Office 2003, 2007 are all covered in this book.